
  • Cone total length-  70mm 
  • Max piece – 3000mm x 1500mm
  • Min piece with 150 mm tool – 500mm x 320mm
  • Piece with 80mm tool – 500mm x 300mm
  • Piece with 80mm tool – 300mm x 200mm. Requires lowering the suction cup, and special tool lock-plate. No pilot!
  • Piece with 80mm tool – 300mm x 150mm. Requires special suction cup, and special tool lock-plate. No pilot!
  • Tykkelse – >4mm <15mm
  • Flow work limit-  <1500mm

Vertmax One


  • Cone – Top front 58mm – rest 55mm
  • Max piece – 5000mm x 2600mm
  • Min piece with 150 mm tool – 500mm x 320mm
  • Piece with 80mm tool – 500mm x 300mm
  • Tykkelse – >4mm <26mm
  • Flow work limit-  <2200mm

Possible shapes

Vertmax 2.6


Inner arc

Matteo Orazietti

Hi Gunnar, in Vertmax with the pilot system you can’t work this arc with a 150mm tools.
You can work this program in Master because it doesn’t have the pilot system.

Gunnar Frederiksen

Matteo Orazietti thankyou for a very detailed answer. Is there a way to get access to theese limitations (documents), so i know why the IC will not let me continue…

Matteo Orazietti

Gunnar Frederiksen This documents it’s only for Intermac service, but you can find the machine limits in use and manteinence handbook

Both Machines

No tool in spindle

How to remove a tool, when the software says that there is a tool in the spindle, but there is no tool 

Both Machines

  1. Click on the button for opening the spindle.
  2. Or, go to the database write “0” for tool present and remove tool code.

Lead in for milling

How to place the PREBORING in the center of the hole

Both Machines

Adjust the values as needed.

Adjust polishing at corners

How to increase the pressure of polishing at corners

Both Machines

Adjust the values as needed.

Front head grinding collet door open

The error occurs during tool change “Front head grinding collet door position diffenret to command” PLC 9080

Vertmax 2.6

  1. Collet door adjustet by Biesse
  2. It is advisible to put dia 150 tools in the upper toolholders.

Adjust wheel preset

If all the tools are messaured by the maschine, and the finished glass is too big or too small.

Both machines

Go to the database and find
T05 Intermac
If you increase the number in the database, you get a smaller diameter measured on the tool. Please note that it is the radius that is corrected in the database.
E.g.: +2 mm in the database reduces the diameter measured on the tool by 4 mm.

Be aware that the wheel for messaurment is placed above the tool in Vertmax 2.6.

In the Vertmax one the wheel is placed under the tool.

please take that into account when adjusting y1 in the database.

Adjust polish wheel grinder

When the grinder for the polish wheel is worn, the lips of the polish wheel gets bigger.

Both machines

Go to the database and find
T05 Intermac
S23 Polish wheel grinder

D006 Grinder bar Y1 position ( Deafult value 94,7)
Decrease valaue = remove more lip.

Work on allready grinded glasses

Compensate for arris

Both machines

To compensate for arris on already grinded glass, change the work arrangement approx. 0.3 mm, as the zero adjuster is not perpendicular to the glass but is slightly skewed

Amp. readings for tools

What is the normal reading for:

Both machines

Guide for Vertmax 2.6 [glass thickness + 10]

Guide for Vertmax One [glass thickness + 15]

 Test will be needed for different thickness of glass!

Diamant tools 150 – <25

Polishing tools 150 – <25

Diamant tools 080 – <10

Polishing tools 180 – <6


Save menu

save columns of work files

Both machines

Go to menu item “Display” and [MenuSaveCol].


Profiled grinding

Two black wheels by the spindle

Both machines

Is not to be activated when making shower doors cuttings, only on outer cuttings like a big radius to support the glass.


Interrupted milling

Milling exit to prevent damage when exiting with a mill

Both machines

Choose “Return to the profile without seperation” Is simular to the mill exit in automatic, only this goes back on the same line, and is difficult to see on the drawing.


Radius bigger then 80mm

Machining radius on a square glass

Both machines

Choose “rectangular blank” In the “prepare the glass” section. This function allows the Vertmax to messure the zero point on the square glass.

Different tool with the same code

Automatic notches and manuel 35mm hole

Both machines

Select “tools management” through “machining sequence management” and under “geometrical data” and change “type” from “special” to “flat”